MYO-2170: Cainan

Owned by Lasombra


AGE: 24 yrs
GENDER: Man (he/him)
HEIGHT: 5'05"
BUILD: chubby
VICE: lust

 About Me. . .

Welcome to my blog :)

This is a personal space where I share my writing. My day job is as a priest in the Church of Sulfur. If you have questions of faith, feel free to message me! I will do my best to reply.

15 notes.

Below the cut is my latest story! Thank you in advance for the kind words. Please beware if you are uncomfortable with intimacy.

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26 notes.

Thank you for all the kind words on my last piece! I will try to have another up sometime soon. :)

12 notes.

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing