MYO-2163: Tottie

Owned by Reon


Nicknames: Toots, Tootie
Toyhouse Profile

The owner of a tea shop, Tottie aspires to provide a calming setting for buns of all vices. Whether they're there to unwind or simply have a hangout spot, she has all sorts of services available such as elaborate tea ceremonies. She is always soft-spoken and smiling, her patience boundless. She has an adoration for anything that one would count as "spooky", finding them cute instead. For that, she has Guysts trained to be emotional support of sorts for her customers instead of going for the more well-mannered imps. Hongcha, her Fiendish Guyst, is her favourite among all her pets.

Her demure appearance has become something of her trademark. Yet, behind that innocent face hides a suggestive side to her that she rarely ever reveals; that is if anyone is able to take notice.

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There's a reason why her front counter is deliberately built in such a way that it hides her chair. However, there is only one angle in her shop that looks directly behind that counter: a table with only one seat. It's usually marked as "Reserved", but the reality of it is that it's meant for her partners. Sometimes, just sometimes, she would let a random customer sit there, taunting them with a little skirt lift. If they chose to confront her, she might have already liked them enough to let them into her room on the third floor.

Despite her demeanour, she is a power bottom in the bedroom, preferring to take charge of her own pleasure. Very rarely does she allow someone else to have full control, with the only exception being her main partner.

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