MYO-2075: Fù Nàxià

Owned by nidorina
Fù Nàxià (富娜夏)
Functionally late 20s
Female (she/her)
More Info
Cobbled together with codes from Pinky, prompt code by Mallizard


Spooky 🌙 ELEGANT 🌙 Snarky

No one would be blamed for calling Fù Nàxià offputting—if anything, she herself would be disappointed you didn't go so far as to go for weird or creepy. It's an image she works hard to cultivate: the elegant fortuneteller, always with her spirits in tow, chuckling darkly and knowing just a little too much about you for comfort. Death and  terror and the occult all bring smiles to Fù Nàxià's face, and she'll tell you much more about them all than you particularly wished to know.

She's mastered multiple arts of fortunetelling: card reading, tea leaves, osteomancy (imps don't have bones, so where did she get those? she only laughs if you ask...), and even communing with the dead—if you believe her. Convincing skeptics isn't particularly high on Fù Nàxià's list of priorities, but she'll take their money all the same. In her personal life, she doesn't have much time for them.

With a carefully cultivated aura of terror and mystique, Fù Nàxià goes about life with few in the way of genuine companions; as a rule, she aims for people to respect her power and potential enough to come to her for their fortunes, but to balk at the eerie parts of her personality put up front and on display. Despite this, she doesn't consider herself lonely at all—and what few friends she has, she's fiercely protective of, and she'll happily put her frightening aura to work to keep away their troubles.


  • Ghosts
  • The occult
  • Cute things
  • Magical girl anime
  • Jewelry


  • Silver
  • Penny pinchers
  • Skeptics
  • Busy days
  • Dust

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🔮 Prompts


She's Got Friends On the Other Side

Category: Character Prompts

Meet Succubuns character Fù Nàxià


Fù Nàxià is easy to find if you know where to look. Her stall sits in the corner of the burrowgatory; go past the curtain and you'll find that the space she tells her fortunes in is bigger than it appears...

You may complete one of the following two prompts to receive the warmth of a new friendship, along with a special trinket item for your succubun in accordance with your choice.

Option 1: Throwing the Bones
Fù Nàxià is always willing to tell fortunes—as long as the money's good. Depict your Succubun getting their fortune told by Fù Nàxià, whether with her cards, a cup of tea, or those mysterious bones.

Rewards: ITEM NAME

Option 2: TITLE
Though it isn't necessarily front and center, Fù Nàxià's love of cute things comes without any shame, and bristles at the suggestion that it should. Depict your Succubun discovering Fù Nàxià's collection. Are they surprised or do the two get to bond over their shared fondness for the adorable?

Rewards: ITEM NAME

These rewards go directly into your Succubun's inventory. Once your Succubun owns one of BUN NAME's trinkets, INSERT WITTY THING HERE.



Reward Amount
Carats 0

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🔮 Trivia

  • Adamantly refuses to wear silver, as it might scare away evil spirits.
  • If asked where she got the skull ever-present among her displayed belongings, or if it's real, she just sort of laughs. It's creepy.
  • Loves cute things as much as creepy things—there are plush dolls and magical girl anime posters among her occult accoutrements. She feels no shame about this additional hobby, and bristles at the implication that she should.

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🔮 Relationships




Fù Nàxià is too weird and offputting to call anyone her friend in as many words, but Luciano is without question her best friend. They trade fortunetelling tips and set up playdates for their imps. He's a ball of sunshine in Fù Nàxià's life, and one of very few people she doesn't subject to her sass.




It took no time at all for Fù Nàxià to realize that Jessie is easily swayed by Pretty Woman, and Fù Nàxià knows herself well enough to take advantage of that. Of course, Jessie receives all the praise and attention she wants in return, so maybe that's pretty close to genuine fondness?

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  • Fù Nàxià is a bisexual switch, without any strong gender preference.
  • That said, she has a thing for wrecking cute girls; she's far less interested in doing this to buns of other genders.
  • Fù Nàxià is greedy and primarily interested in her own pleasure. When dominant, it fortunately(?) comes just as much from wringing plenty of orgasms out of her partner, but she can be a bit of a pillow princess if she's being submissive...
  • Likes both giving and receiving bondage.
  • Lowkey into a little exhibitionism, especially scenarios where her partner is embarrassed about the prospect of being caught and Fù Nàxià can tease them about it.
  • Almost exclusively has a vagina, always has breasts. Generally prefers strap-ons to shifting into a form with a penis.


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🔮 Permissions

  • Anyone listed in the Relationships section has blanket permission to write for Fù Nàxià + their bun without having to ask!
  • Gift writing and art in general are okay, but please ask before doing anything nsfw!
  • Illustrated suggestive/pinuppy stuff is fine; suggestive writing should be asked about, please!
  • Breeding is off the table 99% of the time unless we're pals and our buns are real close.
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed