MYO-1990: VHS

Owned by Ghost

Name: VHS (or just Vee)
Pronouns: He/Him
Sin: Lust

Partner Type: Given the choice he tends to prefer anyone that identifies male, but not by much.  He's absolutely up for a romp with anyone interested.

VEE is a great lover and collector of anything and everything retro, especially the tech.  Very expressive and animated, he doesn't just talk with his hands his whole body gets in on it too.   He's also very tactile, often throwing an arm over someone's shoulder or grabbing onto an arm or hand and physically pulling others around with him as he speeds off to the next interesting thing.  If whoever's with him expresses interest he's quick to get quite handsy.  An adventurous nature plus a love for old things means whenever he finds an abandoned location he is IN there, risk of tetanus or other dangers be damned.

Likes: Retro!, his pager (please give him a reason to use his pager), exploring abandoned locations, rollerblading, hooking up ;)
Dislikes: When others are TOO cautious, when others ask him about his retro tech and then don't pay attention when he talks - you were the one who got him started, you should have been prepared for this!

Birthday/Zodiac: October 15th  - Libra

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