MYO-1874: Rowan

Owned by KittyKnight


Practical | Traditional | Hypocritical

A bun with a sharp eye for "business", Rowan has been known to encourage buns in all kinds of sinful activities. Whether it be supplying alcohol, organising poker tournaments or setting up... interactions... Chances are, Rowan may have likely had a hand in setting up such activity - especially if it happens to be on the extreme end. Despite this though, Rowan seems to rarely partake in such activities himself. When asked why not, Rowan often huffs before saying something about "being above such activities". Nethertheless, such activities remain a huge part of the Succubun culture, and if others are desperate to scratch those needs, then whose Rowan to deny such things?



On the surface, Rowan appears to be incredibly daunting and serious. He doesn't seem to express himself often, constantly having a blank stare upon his face. The most he tends to express is a mere roll of the eyes or a simple "tch". A lot of people tend to describe Rowan as being rather mature, and they're certainly not wrong. Rowan likes to approach problems from multiple angles, and will often be willing to engage in hours of talking and planning to ensure such schemes wouldn't go down horribly... or at least drive some kind of profit, be it finanical or social. Because of this, Rowan is incredibly patient, and is willing to wait just to ensure something is perfect. Provided he isn't desparate, of course.

Rowan's biggest vice is, of course, his own pride. Aside from quoting himself to be "above all other sins", Rowan has also been known to take great pride in his appearance, constantly picking out the best outfits and spending hours just to ensure he looks perfect. This often causes Rowan to come off as a huge snob, which is... fairly accurate, to say the least. Rowan likes fuss over the small details, and if something is off, he will very rarely let that go. He will never tell you to save your feelings, but he will certainly look down on you even more all because of this.

However... there is one crucial detail about Rowan - and that is the fact that Rowan is ultimately a Succubun. Despite Rowan's pride and insistence on being above such activities, there have been some rumours and sightings of Rowan engaging in some (in his eyes) unsavoury activities. And well... they're true. Rowan loves nothing more than multiple glasses of Keratini, playing rounds upon rounds of blackjack, and worst of all... indulging in heaps and heaps of sugary snacks. Believe me, Rowan may consider himself above such things, but he is absolutely struggling to keep himself in check. Because of this, Rowan appears to constantly be stressed out, and only seems to ever let his guard down when alone. Or presuaded to by those he is close to.

Relationships are a tricky subject for Rowan. Because he naturally looks down on others and intentionally remains distant, Rowan can often be quite isolated. Usually, a night at a brothel would be enough to satisfy him for a short time, but even growing up, Rowan struggled to form true connections with other people. The closest thing he seems to have to a friend currently is his imp, Ignis. The few friendships he ever had always seemed to turn into some large fight, and Rowan usually getting hurt in some way, shape or form. Such friendships and relationships led him to developing numerous cracks on his horns, nicks in his ears and even having his tail broken. Numerous times. To the point of always being crooked...

Rowan often dreams of what having people who don't expect you to uphold your own standards, who don't seem to judge you for what you do... if only he could do the same for others.



When it comes to partners, Rowan tends to prefer female presenting Succubuns. However, he's fine with however his partner wants to present themself. As long as they're comfortable, of course.
His favourite treats to snack on include, but are not limited to, Chocolate Swiss Rolls, Chocolate Gateau, Chocolate... honestly, if it happens to be cake-like and involve heavy amounts of cream and chocolate, you can probably catch him trying to not to drool over it.
♦ The worst thing you can do to Rowan is call him out on his behaviour. Especially his own Hypocrisy. Do that and he'll lose any kind of respect he had for you.
♣ Rowan's main love language involves gift giving. He loves to spoil those he is close to with expensive items, and would gladly give you money if it means you would consider him a friend.
Ignis gets the brute force of this affection. Ignis is constantly spoiled with treats and has countless beds, toys, etc... yet finds most joy curled up either on Rowan's head, lap or stomach.


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