MYO-187: Yukiou

Owned by Monadx0x0
> Yukiou Larimara
  • Male (he/him, they/them)
  • Young adult (25-30ish)
  • Independent Idol; models for Vellure, stars in movies, sings songs, etc.
  • His fans (the "yukisagi") call him "Ice King", "Prince of the Ballroom", and "Snow White" among other things
  • Average alcohol tolerance, high credit score, high libido.
  • A bun that has to put up a shiny, sparkly personality for his work but tends to become aloof and speaks with a flat tone when he isn't in "the zone".
  • He likes being around people, but needs time to recharge his social battery by resting at home.
  • Is fine with his job; couldn't really see himself doing anything else, honestly. He can buy expensive game consoles and fluffy pillows… it's worth it.
  • Tends to think that his managers' nagging is… kinda annoying… but at least it keeps him on track.
  • Often doesn't realize how tall he is in his doll form; is prone to smacking his head on the tops of doorways.
  • Rarely gets angry because he doesn't quite see a reason to ever go above a "chill" energy level.
  • Has an extremely unhealthy diet, but a fast metabolism & required exercise keeps his body fit.
  • Wants nothing more than to spend his days at home with his expensive game consoles, delicious snacks, character body pillows, etc. but… work calls… SIGH.

"Leaving already? See you next time, then. Don't make me wait too long, though." — Kaeya, Genshin Impact

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