MYO-1850: Moor

Owned by Unleader





Moor is very serious and no nonsense. Making her laugh is a near impossible task, and she'll often make it clear that it's not that she didn't understand the joke but that it specifically didn't deserve a reaction.


She's bossy with friends and hired help, but not cruel.


Her RBF isn't just for show. Moor is grumpy on a good day and can be outright mean on others if you cross her. Her coldness is only in her attitude, and she has no tolerance for violence or physical altercations.


Under all that prickliness she is very intelligent and has a deep love of learning. She wants nothing more than to learn about hell and burrowgatory and it's magic through any artifacts and relics she manages to get her hands on.


She also loves to read, and is not opposed to going on adventures if they have educational value or if they can bet her closer to her goals.

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