MYO-1813: Felice

Owned by Blesmol


Cherubun • 5'2'' • Upstart
"It's time to stretch my wings."

Rook was never meant for the Heavenly Meadow. A black sheep (blackbird?) from birth, she always chafed against rules, control and the expectation of moral fiber. She knew she could do more, be more, beyond the cloud-soft but impenetrable borders of the walled garden of her birthplace. But Melangel's little starling had to fall to fly. Her landing wasn't exactly soft, and she still bears the scars (and blinded eye, and missing teeth) of her fall from grace. Nonetheless, a few scrapes were a small price to pay for a brand new world of opportunities.

Burrowgatory is just the place she'd been hoping for since she was a child, a nightmare of sin and a dream for those with a lust for power. Unlike others of her fallen kind, she views succubuns more as opponents in a game than lost kin - opponents grown soft and stupid from a life of endless indulgence, their world ripe for her taking. (The rotten apple may not have fallen as far from the tree as Melangel thought.) Her ultimate goal? To cheat, connive and barter her way up Burrowgatory's social ladder. As a wise man once said: better to reign in hell than be grounded in heaven.
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