MYO-1788: Benita

Owned by mmj

Benita Rosas (she/her)

> the owner and bartender of Cara-Karaoke.  also doubles as an entertainer when they put on preformances; she's a singer with a mature & powerful voice.
> Lorelie's fiance. thought she was incredibly beautiful when she saw her at a bar one day, even though she was passed out at the counter with drool pooling underneath her. the two became friends from that day and their relationship eventually grew into what it is today. silly couple that can put together a beautiful presentation; the two clean up well.
> very outgoing and willing to speak her mind. thinks highly of herself and has a bit of an ego.
> loves food and drinks. never leaves scraps when taken out and will eat anything. a bit of a messy eater though.
> she has a very "do now; think later" mindset, which can lead her to making some pretty bone-head decisions.
> bites.

imp wishlist:

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed