MYO-166: Lydia

Owned by steviatea

she/her • 32 • corporate femme lesbian • dating Lucille

In her bun form, an anxious softie. She gains confidence when in her doll form, however, showing her true greedy nature more obviously. 
She's a hardworking businesswoman with greed as a vice; no money she makes, nor art she collects, nor fancy possessions she own, will ever be enough. 


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When it comes to her girlfriend Lucille, she can't get enough of her attention. She happily soaks up every bit of attention, and tends to take more of a submissive role between the two of them when it comes to bedroom activities. She's not afraid to switch things up and take charge, but she prefers to be the sub most of the time. Enjoys bottoming quite a lot, but loves pleasing her girlfriend, too.
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