MYO-1656: Alaric

Owned by Pooch

Alaric uses he/him pronouns

Alaric is a bun with many skills and talents, all things that secured him a safe and stable position at the gentlemen’s club Ichor run by Gabriel. There he works as a bartender serving some of the most decadent drinks to their members and visitors. Apparently there is a special menu that only members are allowed to pick from, some say that all the drinks from that menu have a certain metallic taste to it, but of course, that is just a rumor.

Alaric uses his charm and elegance to enamor his customers, making sure they feel comfortable to sit and enjoy his specialty drinks, maybe slip him some secrets too. He is always eager to lend an ear to any and all that comes to visit, serving them happily, as long as they respect his skills.

Not alone is he a skilled bartender, he also excels in fencing, something they often practice and enjoy at the club. He likes the elegance and thrill that comes with the sport.

Alaric grew up with the demon [redacted] where he learned to hold his first fencing sword. He learned to love the finest of quality of things, especially food and drinks, which resulted in him growing his glutton horns. His mentor and Demon parent prepared him the best he could for the world in Burrowgatory, making sure his mind was sharp so he could prove himself as a good prodigy. While Alaric remembers his demon parent fondly, he struggles to remember the name, some memories seem to get foggy when he tries to remember them, not that they matter much now that he have reached full maturity.

Despite being a glutton Alaric is not someone that over indulge just cause he can, no, his palette is much too refined, he prefers quality over quantity. If you wanna vie for his attention try and charm him with fanciful dinners and drinks, or maybe indulge in one of his more niche tastes, the one you would rather keep in private where lips are pressed against the neck and small drops of-. He likes a little treat.


Favorite food/drink: the ones he makes himself silly

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