MYO-1567: Repeat

Owned by 82bee

2024 Breeding Partner: MYO-3487
FineThingsInLife has permission to breed this succubun.


Doll Form: prefers to appear as a male doll form, but is known to flounce about with the lady bits out as well
Partner Type: about 70% preference for male leaning | about 30% preference for female leaning
-- He's open to most anything, he's just looking for good fun.


A bun that is always down ( or up ; D ) for a good time. Sometimes appears flighty and absentminded, but is rather well read on a few subjects that have caught his eye.
Of average intelligence and body strength. Very nimble, and somewhat acrobatic, so he can flip and twist his body all about.

Main hobbies include partying, partying, and hooking up.
He's a rather social bun, and likes to meet new buns and find new shops and hangouts to visit. Very active.

Likes: parties, dancing, loud music, beverages, collecting stuff, things that are big
Dislikes: involved reading,  tba

Repeat wants all the things due to having the Greed vice. He has trouble keeping a fair amount of carats in his hands at all times, and may be a little bit in debt at a few locations. He probably should get a (stable) job...
He has a variety of collections, and especially enjoys collecting figurines and photobooks of popular and well known buns, and is a bit of a fanboy when talking about these things. Please don't get him started on this.
One of his favorite not-a-hot-man shaped possessions is a GIANT Phloof plush. Y'know, because it was there. And huge.

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