MYO-1542: Magdalena

Owned by MotherRadiance

Succesful perfumer and escort. She is very charismatic with an aura of elegance and gentleness that bequathes her appearence. A great conversationalist and listener, she can create and mantain a delightful atmosphere for those around her. Quite motherly in the way she interacts and cares about others who she considers close, to the rest she provides a sence of distance without being cold about it.

A bit manipulative with a silver tounge, relentless in the way of getting the things she wants, eithout caring about those affected by it,except maybe the people close to her.

Dion's littermate, loves him dearly (more like a mother does than an older sister). She is the one who taught him how to cook anf inculcated the love of good food on him.

Approves of Valze as a monogamous partner for Dion, just finds him a bit pathetic, she believes he needs to "toughen up". Enjoys teasing him quite a bit.

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