MYO-1536: Nevan

Owned by Pooch

This bun uses he/they pronouns


Nevan is a talented musician, playing the violin on a professional level putting a lot of raw emotions into the way he is performing. To him music is his voice, his way of expressing himself and it shows when he stands on the stage either at a solo performance or as part of a concert. It’s like his eyes light up the second the bow touches the strings.

Besides being a talented violinist he also spends a lot of his free time drumming for whatever band he can get into, not wanting to put in the time or commitment to stick to one group. He plays drums cause there it something about the way it makes his heart race and how it can light up a whole crowd in ways that classical music can’t. A contrast to his professional life.

He is a bun filled with passion, a flame that is hard to trample, someone that cares about the things around them. Yet people often assume that Nevan is stand-offish, he doesn’t talk much… or rather he doesn’t talk at all. Nevan is electively mute and haven’t spoken since he was a baby bun, people aren’t really sure what happened to make him that way, and he doesn’t seem to want to reveal anything either. He simply just doesn’t talk, at all, and no one knows why. While his voice is not something that has graced many’s ears, he is pretty good at expressing himself with signs, gestures and writing, making sure that conversations are still possible, even if he isn’t talking. Definitely one of the best listeners in Burrowgatory.


Favorite food and drink? Macarons and butterfly pea flower tea

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