MYO-1482: Calliope

Owned by smolmortician
Age  20s 
Height  5'2" 
Gender  female (she/her) 
orientation  pansexual 
Giftart?  yes 
Relationships?  yes, ask 
Roleplay?  ask please 
Masterlist MYO-1482

Calliope is a multimedia content creator (game streams, crafting videos), and a tattoos artist

She is a very loving and social bun, often seen helping people where-ever needed. She is known for her sleepy demeanor and vintage nighty collection she wears constantly. Often found in her home which is covered with plushies and other silly things. She has a sensitivity to light so her eyes are heavily affected. she can see but only in dim lighting

 alcohol tolerance   Reasonable 

 libido   Concerningly high 

 420?   High, my guy 
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing