MYO-1462: Masayuki Fulgent

Owned by Pooch

Uses he/him pronouns

Masayuki Fulgent runs an antique shop in Burrowgatory where he sells a bit of this and that, whatever he can get his grubby little hands on. Buying and selling whatever specialties and interesting finds his customers come to him with, just so he can sell them at a much higher marked up value.

His antique shop, it is not his main income. More of a front to his more shadier businesses, where he does both loansharking, thievery, trait enhancing drugs and illegal/hard to obtain medicines. Though he says he can give buns any traits like celestiale and gilded, this is far from the truth, instead he covers the buns in hard to get rid of glitter to his own amusement. Though obtaining knowledge on this side of him is hard, you have to ask the right questions or run in the right circles to see his name pop up in those areas.

Masayuki sometimes houses a (pest) bun who stays at his shop whenever he has to keep low profile. The bun acts as a helper and at times as a way to scare other buns into becoming more agreeable. Though behind the scenes he uses the bun to steal from competitors and rivals, not that the bun knows he is getting used in that way.

His personality is calm, collected and at times teasing and mocking, depends on who he is with, but he always try to keep the tone somewhat professional. Keeps his cards close to his chest. He is not really a people person, he would rather just sit calmly by himself and not surrounded by masses, but that doesn’t earn him any carats and he refuses to pay a worker to take care of his shop, so he makes do.

He visits a hot spring often in his spare time, he won’t say why, but it’s the only time he seems to pull his defenses somewhat down.

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