MYO-143: Ozzy (Oz)

Owned by ottieout

If you're here because of the spotlight and are looking for deets on this guy, here you go! 

Thank you, thank you, and thank you again!!! ; o ;  If you want to draw Ozzy with one of your OCs,/one of the NPcs  explicit or otherwise, you are more than welcome to do so! 


A punk, a jerk and a hypocrite. Ozzy tries to do what he thinks is right, but his selfishness and temper get in the way.  

He currently harbors a crush on Yoshi,  and has many fantasies about the sweet maker. Often times, he's found at the bakery, sitting with a cold cup of coffee as he longingly stares and thinks about what could be.  Anyone who points out his infatuation gets served a knuckle sandwich. 


  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed