MYO-1367: Rust
Charming · Stubborn · Open-Minded
- Whisper
- The smell of his garage
- Sweets, especially baked goods
- The outdoors
- Racing
- Other buns flirting with Whisper
Rust and Whisper had an unorthidox meet-cute, even by Burrowgatory standards. When Whisper was hired to film Rust being intimate with another bun, Rust was immediately enamoured by the Lust's soft features and intense dedication to his task. Rust approached Whisper after the shoot and asked to see him again, third bun completely forgotten. Now, Whisper is constantly on Rust's mind, the two together more othen than not. Rust is, as the kids say, completely 'whipped' for Whisper, ready to bend to his every whim.
Rust is the regular mechanic for Ryder and his house full of adrenaline seekers. Rust often goes over to the house personally to do maintenance on their collection of dirtbikes and other small vehicles. This close business relationship eventually blossomed into a friendship, with Ryder often inviting Rust to his house parties, races, and occasionally his bedroom.
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