MYO-1308: Theorath

Owned by Kirudon

Theorath (AKA Theo)
Pride Bun - Male (He/Him)
Mysterious | Analytic | Adventurous

(Themes: mystery/detective and eldritch)

A Bun who loves mysteries, the weirder the better. This often has him investigating things which nobody else has yet been able to solve.
Can often be seen with a magnifying glass or other investigative equipment. Often holds things with his tentacles.
Has a tentacle for a tongue as well (just long enough to touch his collarbone at maximum in humanoid form).
Teeth are normal humanlike, except for the fangs which are vampire fangs. His height in doll form is 6'2".

Theo is himself somewhat of a man of mystery, not often giving clear answers when asked about himself. The truth is he's probably a bit more ordinary than some end up suspecting - he lives pretty normally in his daily life, he just blends into the shadows pretty well and enters areas quietly. His sudden presence has surprised many friends - sometimes it feels like he shows up the moment a problem needs solving.

Has a bad habit of saying things like "Hmm, that's interesting..." or "I wonder..." and then not elaborating on what he means, even if asked.

Enjoys foods made with ube. Also enjoys black olives.
Big fan of mystery novels as well as detective movies and comics. Has his own detective agency for his mystery solving.

He may optionally be drawn with any of his pets in his menagerie, but particularly his Impup (Noir) or his Thulu (Howard).

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