MYO-1292: Aaron

Owned by KristFullmetal

He/him - Male

Athletic, chases Mamoos around the farm (someone's gotta watch them), fast as heck, likes sports, best support friend but will say "I told you so" if you don't listen to him and it goes wrong, has a rough past (got in with the wrong crowd) but was able to get himself out once the rose-tinted glasses were off, can be short tempered when his past is brought up or if something does not goas perfectly as he had it in his head


Echo: was also in the wrong crowd and crawled out and back to Aaron, Echo still has a bit of a nasty attitude (spoiler, it's all a front) which causes Aaron to snap and turn away but Aaron does want to try and help (Echo just needs to put in a bit more effort)

Hawthorne: took Aaron in after he caught him wandering around, the Mamoos took a liking to Aaron granting him a place at the farm, very greatful for what Hawthorne has done he does his best to show it forward by putting in hard work 


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