MYO-1261: Lauraine

Owned by Xeluna


( lor - RAYN )

Lawyer and Financial Advisor


Friendly but Formal | Witty | Shrewd | Classy | Productive | Conscientious | Communicative | Competitive | Commanding and/or Bossy

She may not openly bust out laughing when she feels it is inappropriate. But she actually has a lovely sense of humor. She adores rule systems, especially when it comes to playing around with them to see what people can legally get away with. Petty debates amuse her, though she respects those that challenge her at an intellectual level. And she enjoys negotiating, even at a cutthroat level.

The trouble is, even if she won’t necessarily cause a scene on the spot, Lauraine is a terrible loser. Prone to frustrated outbursts and hot-tempered threats in her private spaces later, or when she is off the clock, especially in the company of close allies. True, she tends to get over it eventually. But until then, those who have bested her can catch her eyeing them with intense irritation, disdain, and a certain bloodthirsty eagerness to crush them next time.

While she doesn’t especially care whether she has the moral high ground, she does have an incredible amount of integrity when it comes to her work ethic. So any one who deals with her, be they clients or companions, can trust her to see things through to the best of her ability and not try to screw them over.


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