MYO-1167: Maeve

Owned by abeelha

2024 Breeding Partner: MYO-1166

meariris has permission to breed this succubun.


(She/Her & Shark/Sharkself)


Maeve is a sailor! At least that's how she likes to introduce herself. Shark works on a little sea side ocean themed café, and, although she does sail as a hobby, shark actually works as a waitress.

Maeve is a little scatter brained, but shark is a hardworker through and through! She may keep misplacing her notepad, but she never forgets a customer's order! Her smile is always bright and  sharp! In fact, so sharp that pen caps all tremble at the sight, in fear of being bitten in half.

Shark is an active bun, that particularly loves swimming, and her girlfriend.  Swimming with her girlfriend being sharks ideal date!

She's prone to taking things a bit too literally, seen as how she still thinks soap operas are operas about soap.

Overall, Maeve is sweet and naive, but shark has a mischievious streak and an easy sense of humor.

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