MYO-114: Miho

Owned by Miunadeli

Miho is a lively, energetic bun that just cannot stop talking. She loves talking about her life and the things she likes such as creating uniquely-shaped candles and grilled marshmallows . What a chance for her that her boyfriend Yingjie is a master with fire and is always ready to grill anything.

She is very friendly but she has a tendency of easily overeacting, which can be fine when it is positive feelings, but annoying when otherwise. Her friend's new song came out?? So great!! Let's celebrate!! She will smile big and be excited all night long! Tell her she has to calm down? You will have her upsetidly frown at you for hours -or even days – and then when you try to apologise she will just find things to blame you for, even if it has absolutely nothing to do with the situation. She is very prideful so anything one may say about her that could be interpreted in a wrong way, she will ignore you until you apologise kneeling in front of her.

Despite that behaviour, Yingjie loves her, because he manages to overlook her upset, childish behaviour and mostly see her warm, lovable side. Not to lie, he actually does love that upset angry face of hers, when he can purposely make her that way, so, for that, he does love teasing her. How to do that? Just give her patpats on the head and you will see. She hates it. He first discovered it when he did it as an act of love and care, and she imediately, suddenly turned "feral". She thought she was scary and looked mean but she actually just looked cute, so it made him laugh, and hence made her even more upset.
Since that day, any time he wants to see her with that adorable frowning angry face, he just pats her on the head. He know that he is the only person that, no matter how prideful she is, she cannot stay upset at for more than 3 days – she once ignored someone for 28 days until they made the proper apology. Knowing that, he just cannot stop teasing her. After all, don't you usually tease the ones you love?
If Miho hates the patpats though, it is because it makes her feel like just a cute Imp that you would lovably patpat on the head to let them know they are cute and loved, but, she is not cute. She is beautiful. Cute is for children and Imps. She may be short-sized but it is not an excuse to call her cute instead of pretty – though he does call her pretty –, and those pats on the head just make her feel cute and not respected for the beauty that she is. But her boyfriend loves doing that too much, even though she'd show the worst angry upset face that she can do, he would actually just keep doing it more because, according to him "she's too cute" – urgh.
If other people pats her on the head though... They better be ready to die.

She is also often made fun of by her boyfriend that her fire does not burn. That would teach her to have fallen in love with a fire master...


Her name writen 美火 is supposed to mean "beautiful fire".


Design info:

  • She usually has 2 to 5 flames hanging around her. You can draw them wherever, they do not have to be on the exact same spots as on the ref ^^

  • Always has a flame on her tail.

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing