MYO-110: Captain

Owned by golden-boy

 gift art - sfw
 Gift Art - nsfw
allowed - solo or /w otere+davy 
 Gift Writing - sfw
 gift writing - nsfw
allowed - solo or /w otere+davy 
 romance + nsfw


This bun as sailor written all over him, and it's accurate. He's always either on water or chugging alcohol, which he can handle extremely well- in fact, none of his friends have ever really seen him drunk, at least not to any crazy extent. He loves hanging out at bars and with other pirates, though he is also the kind to argue and fight over treasures. He can be a bit needy at times, especially when he doesn't have a lot of attention or items to hoard.
Typically found either by a shoreline or at The Rabbit Hole, though he also sometimes shows up at the Vellure Modeling Agency

Toggle Spoiler
Submissive Bottom, Always has flat chest with top scars. Either wears a vag with a small t-cock or a micropenis.
BDSM Sub with a huge emphasis on Bondage. 
Sails and Swigs

Sails and Swigs

Category: Character Prompts

Meet Succubuns sailboat captain... whose name also happens to be Captain.


Captain is definitely not too far off from his namesake, a sailor with a love for the ocean and some good alcohol. He tends to be around some kind of shore or bar, causing many buns to bear witness to some of his eccentric activities.

You may complete one of the following two prompts to receive a loud-mouthed ally, along with a special trinket item for your succubun in accordance with your choice.

Option 1: Wind in your Sails
You can't sail a ship without...well, sails. Captain is always working on fixing up his sailboat and making it better than before. Maybe one day it'll look like a proper pirate ship! Depict your succubun and Captain working on his ship, or taking it for a test ride!

Rewards: Captain's Sewing Kit

Option 2: Drink 'till ya Sink
Captain, like a stereotypical pirate, loves to drink. He also is no stranger to inviting others to drink with him. Depict your succubun and Captain at the bar. Do they get into a drinking contest? Do they compare stories as they sip their glasses? The possibilities are endless- (almost as endless as the drinks!)

Rewards: Captain's Beer Glass

These rewards go directly into your Succubun's inventory. Once your Succubun owns one of Captain's trinkets, they've proven themselves as a sailor, and are welcome to join Captain's crew whenever they'd like.



Reward Amount
Carats 0

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed