MYO-090: Midicus

Owned by golden-boy

 gift art - sfw
 Gift Art - nsfw
allowed - solo only
 Gift Writing - sfw
 gift writing - nsfw
allowed - solo only
 romance + nsfw
witchcrafting only



A bun living in a mansion all on his lonesome, except for his master who communicates with him consistently. He's always running around and helping others, while also taking time for himself- typically in the sense of going into his hobbies of art and music. He does a good bit of bar hopping with his friends, but isn't the best at holding his alcohol. He's shy when it comes to meeting others, but once he's comfortable enough, he'll start to show his more vain and superficial side. Something about him wanting others to like him for his personality before liking him for his beauty.
Typically found at The Imporium or at Dan's Dango, if he's not there, he's most likely going on another adventure.

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Submissive Bottom, primarily audiophile and doesn't do physical stuff often. Chest is always flat and can be drawn with top scars. Typically wears a vag with t-cock.
ASMR Audiophile with low interest in casual physical sex. In a Long Distance Sub/Dom + Sugar Daddy Relationship.



Drinks and Discussions

Category: Character Prompts

Meet Succubuns Vampiric Thrall, Midicus.


Midicus may live in a mansion away from the city, but that doesn't mean he's a hermit. He's always looking for others to talk about vampires and old literature with, and your bun is certainly invited if they wish to make the trip!

You may complete one of the following two prompts to receive some vampiric knowledge, along with a special trinket item for your succubun in accordance with your choice.

Option 1: Vampiric Admiration
While he doesn't have fangs of his own, Midicus is an experienced thrall- and is always willing to have a nice conversation about vampires. Depict your succubun and Midicus discussing vampires. Do they have in-depths conversations about the history and aesthetics of vampirism.... or does your bun just think they're hot?

Rewards: Midicus' Vamp Charm

Option 2: Deep Dark Reds
Drinking blood from a glass is, at the very least, illegal. However, Midicus has gotten very talented at making his own red wine and decorating it for a true vampiric experience. Depict your succubun trying some of Midicus' homemade wine. Is it any good? Maybe it was too good- How much do they end up drinking?

Rewards: Midicus' Wine Glass

These rewards go directly into your Succubun's inventory. Once your Succubun owns one of Midicus's trinkets, they're always welcome to visit, or perhaps he'll visit them- who knows!



Reward Amount
Carats 0

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed