MYO-081: Zenki

Owned by golden-boy

 gift art - sfw
 Gift Art - nsfw
 Gift Writing - sfw
 gift writing - nsfw
 romance + nsfw


By day, Zenki is an average succubun living near the entertainment district, living his life as per the norm for a greed succubun, loaded dice and gambling included. However, by night, Zenkis is a phantom art thief going by the name of The Ruby Assailant. He sends calling cards out to the locations he steals from, daring them to put up whatever they can to try and stop him in his tracks. Part of him does it for the fun of the challenge and the adrenaline of running off with a valuable item. Part of him does it out of the small bit of kindness in his heart. Sometimes, buns don't deserve what they have, and Zenki is the one to steal from those unworthy of such extravagant items, and give them instead to one who would get more use out of it... or sometimes, just give them to a succubun that he finds attractive.
Wherever he's found, treasure is bound to be! Unless he's not in his thieving uniform, then he's most likely hanging around Dan's Dango, The Wonderland Casino, or Cottontail Couture for some cool-down time.

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Can be Dominant or Submissive Bottom, but is more likely to submit to those taller than him- (doesn't mean a short-stack can't prove themself to him...) 

Has a thing for exhibition, punishments, and bondage.


Category: Character Prompts

Meet Succubuns Phantom Thief, Zenki- Otherwise known as The Ruby Assailant.


Zenki is a charming gambler by day, and a phantom thief by night. This duality of his life makes it so that plenty of buns know of his existence, and have various different opinions based upon if he's under his secret identity when they meet...

You may complete one of the following two prompts to receive a sly wink from Zenki, along with a special trinket item for your succubun in accordance with your choice.

Option 1: The Ruby Assailant
Rushing from rooftop to rooftop, and maneuvering through burrowgatory with great skill, many succubun that walk the streets at night get a glimpse of The Ruby Assailant. It just so happens that your succubun has gotten a much closer look... Depict your succubun interacting with Zenki while in his Ruby Assailant Outfit. What's caused them to get a closer look at him? Are they a detective trying to catch him and bring him to justice, or perhaps the easily distracted man has decided to drop by and give your bun a small compliment before continuing on his way?

Rewards: Zenki's Totally-Not-Stolen Gemstone

Option 2: Zenki Goldsblood
During the Day, plenty of people walk by and notice Zenki relaxing with his usual tasks. After all, he's just a normal succubun... right? Depict your Succubun interacting with Zenki during the day. Do they run into each other at Dan's Dango, or maybe he's at the Wonderland Casino giving your bun tips on how to properly roll dice? Does your bun recognize that his face looks a bit like that criminal they've seen on TV, or is he just a charming man with a seemingly average life? Even if they did... it'd be kind of rude to accuse someone of being a criminal out in public...

Rewards: Zenki's Loaded Die

These rewards go directly into your Succubun's inventory. Once your Succubun owns one of Zenki's trinkets, they're bound to run into Zenki again- or perhaps they'll never meet him, only knowing The Ruby Assailant instead.



Reward Amount
Carats 0

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed