MYO-056: Markus

Owned by Mama-Choco




Markus is a sort of stoic bun who currently works as a bouncer for various clubs in Burrowgatory. His serious face and big build tends to be quite intimidating, especially when his red eyes glare down at whoever is in front of him. Of course, being intimidating is part of his job but there have been many instances where people think he's trying to pick a fight, when in reality he's trying to help or wants to do something nice for somebody. He's not the type of person to hurt another unless the moment calls for it, though he does enjoy friendly boxing or wrestling matches with his buddies at the gym.

Outside of his job, he's just a big guy minding his own business and doesn’t really like to be the center of attention unless he's specifically looking for it. Markus can often be found hanging out with his roommate, Nyx, on his days off while sucking on a lollipop or random candy. A habit that he's currently using in order to quit smoking. But it's quite rare for him to be home, since he's mostly out working long shifts at the clubs or at the gym.

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