MYO-029: Tiffie

Owned by SneaselSupremacy

Tiffie! 50% shy, 50% perv, 100% cute. Enjoys flings and being around other buns. Not much of a drinker, definitely a lightweight. Tends to think too much.

She enjoys quiet activities and watching others, but is often a bit too shy to join in on the fun. That doesn't mean she's unhappy by any means, though - just a little more isolated than she would often like. Due to this, her friend group tends to contain a mix of very quiet buns who are easy to approach, and extroverts who saw her and decided she Needed a Friend at some point. (While she's a little exasperated at how many buns seem to think she's lonely, she truly appreciates the sentiment! And it is nice when they stick around.)

Her closest friends are Tiny and Void - for very different reasons, truly. Tiny is her best napping buddy, and they have similar taste in buns and ~activities~ so she's great fun to chat through the night with, and to people watch with. Tiffie is fond of reading and Tiny enjoys making up stories, so they often bounce ideas off of eachother as well.  Tiffy will always turn to Tiny if she needs a shoulder for support, and hopes that Tiny feels comfortable to do the same.

Void, on the other hand, is one of those buns who took one look at her and assumed 'Ah, yes, this one needs to be Included so I must Include'. Void sets her head spinning, sometimes, since he can oscillate from enjoying a calm activity with her to dragging her into a flashmob or worse. He hasn't quite pinned down what makes her flustered - not fully - but he's damn well trying to, and it often causes her to turn as pink as her ears! He can be tiring, and she can only take so much of him at once, but she's grown to enjoy his presence. He's also quite fun in the bedroom. Now there, he absolutely has figured her out...

Tiffie largely wears her bow around her neck because she enjoys the thought of being collared by a significant other, but not having one means she's gotta do everything herself. So, the bow acts as a stand in that doesn't make anyone thing that she's off-the-market so to speak. It's comfortable and comforting to her. The only time it comes off is when there's something else to be put in its place. Even if it's only temporary, she prefers the sensation...

She's absolutely not going to dominate anyone, but she's also no pillow princess. She's got no issues initiating play if she's comfortable with someone, and enjoys a playful time over anything entirely too serious.


Any user may breed this succubun with any other succubun. (She's most likely to do a fling, or friends with benefits.)

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