BUN-982: Leaf

Owned by Chaunter


wannabe sugar baby, just wants to live a spoiled, care-free life where gets treated to everything he wants with little to no effort required lol
tends to try to portay himself with a sort of (already) wealthy, pompous, highbrowed, bratty sort of attitude but he's easily cowed. Someone with a more dominant personality could easily crumble that facade of his if they wanted to, and though Leaf would have an inner battle of wills to try to keep up apprearences, truthfully he's absoltutely weak to being bossed around. i think a nice brat-tamer would make a really good partner for him lol (i'm picturing him as being a bit unlikable to start but with the potential to gain a lot of positive personality growth with time and with the right partner / friends around.)

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