Owned by vale

(we’ll hurt each other over and over; a blended love philosophy)

too big, too small; too tall, too short; too hot, too cold; too left, too right.

today's tea, too, is unsatisfactory.


yiheng ; 艺衡
male ; he/him.
5'11" / 180 cm ; 132 lbs / 60 kg.
bisexual ; no gender or presentation preference.
he's grandmothering...... idk exactly what age he is but think late 30s/early 40s
greed subtype — although nowadays, he's a little more covert about his sinful tendencies.
a mysterious, mild-mannered man who's easy to entertain, but difficult to fully satisfy— melancholic, tainted by greed in the smallest of ways.

sells illegal 'ingredients' (substances) out of the back of a tea shop. they'll soothe your worries, if only for a couple hours at a time. if you have enough money, if you keep coming back... perhaps you could live guilt-free and worry-free, forever?
(he never drinks the product himself. it'll never be enough.)

seeking: friends/clients; casual lovers; tense awkward exes (it's his 'was already divorced in his early 20s' vibes).

bernina — acquaintance; unlikely partners in dubious amounts of money laundering.
nsfw information

true switch ; no preference on position. prefers to switch it up every so often, but is willing to default on what makes his partner happy. he's greedy, but in a way that recognizes he'll never be /truly/ satisfied— knowing that, it's best to provide.
flat-chested, please forgive me for saying this so awkwardly but he's. be-dicked as well lol

dabbles in a couple more risque hobbies, but not enough to list by name. really, he's a lot more concerned with what his partners are interested in.

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