BUN-672: Felix

Owned by Alivi


  N/A   He/Him   20's-30's   Greed   Male   Demisexual   Single   Voice Claim   5'9   Camp Counselor/Medic   Theme


"Who's ready for an adventure?"

Felix is very enthusiastic about his job as a camp counselor; doing what he can so that the campers have fun. Planning plenty of diverse activities with his fellow counselors so that each day has something new in store. Also listening attentively should any bun bring up their issues or worries to him- trying to solve said problem to the best of his abilities.


  • Exploring
  • Taking photos
  • Rom/Coms
  • Burnt s'mores


  • Being scared easily
  • Swimming
  • Seasonal allergies
  • When camp ends temporarily


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant


            Childhood Friends/Coworker

Caspian, Tibia, and Felix have been a trio ever since they were young. Meeting at camp while it was under different management and becoming fast friends. Caspian while being a counselor is also the lifeguard. He's always up for fun but does stress the importance of being safe which the greed bun highly respects. Felix and Cass also tend to get competitive during camp games though both are good sports about it afterward.

            Childhood Friends/Coworker

Tibia, Caspian, and Felix have been a trio ever since they were young. Meeting at camp while it was under different management and becoming fast friends. Tibs while another counselor is also the camp cook; making anatomically correct meals for all. Which Felix questioned the presentation initially but never the taste. Tibs tends to be busy within the mess hall but does make time to join in camp activites when she's able. Being referee for her friends knowing how the other counselors get.


Lumen started off as another camp regular, them and Felix being very casual with another. After a cryptid hunt together did the greed bun begin to question their interactions. Having accidentally kissed some time during their endeavor and unable to stop thinking of it. He wasn't mad about it happening at all though at the current moment isn't sure what to exactly think of it.

HTML by LeafJelly

Cabins and Creatures

Category: Character Prompts

Meet the Camp Camp counselors, Caspian, Felix, and Tibia.


Camp Camp is burrowgatory’s best known - and perhaps only - seasonal camp. Its gates are always open to any bun looking for a getaway, and though rumors of monsters and ghosts have steered some away, the glowing reviews left by previous campers tell only stories of fun crafts and cozy campfires. Camp Camp’s latest week-long camp is accepting applications now, and we’d love to see you join the Camp Camp family!

You may complete one of the following three prompts to receive permanent camper status, along with a special trinket item for your succubun in accordance with your choice.

Option 1: Skating Shenanigans
While ice skating with fellow campers, you notice one of the counselors is hesitant to join in on the fun. Depict your Succubun teaching Caspian how to ice skate, or just watching him flail around.

Rewards: Caspian's Ice Skates

Option 2: Snuggly Scarves
One of the activities offered today is crocheting, and you can’t wait to make your own cozy creation. Depict your Succubun with Felix knitting or crocheting a cozy scarf, or the best they are capable of creating.

Rewards: Felix's Scarf

Option 3: Baking Bones
Wanting to score some extra points with the cook, you decide to spend a day helping out around the kitchen. Depict your Succubun cooking in the kitchen with Baker, or getting jump-scared by her body-part shaped foods.

Rewards: Tibia's Bone Cookies

These rewards go directly into your Succubun's inventory. Once your Succubun owns one of the Camp Camp councelor's trinkets, you can come to camp anytime!



Reward Amount
Carats 0
Trinkets 1

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing