BUN-470: Antonio Pomelo

Antonio is a dramatic bun, letting conversations flow and making sure his feelings on the matter are known through gestures and theatrics. Buns have a veiw on sloth buns, and while Antonio doesn't want to sleep the day away... If he isn't engaged, he will likely laze around or end up halfassing whatever task he was given. But really can you blame him if the job is boring of all things? Truly, it's hard being a sloth bun like him when the world wants to make you bored and sleepy. So really, he isn't lazy. Right?  

But despite his theatric demeanor and lazing, Antonio is a weapons expert. There is always something on his persons, and Antonio teaches some self-defense classes when not working at one of his favorite diner. Using rollerscates to deliver orders and making regulars laugh with his bright personality. At home though, hidden in his burrow Antonio doesn't smile as much. Instead he becomes all business, selling dangerous items for his boss. Antonio takes this job very seriously, as his boss has his very mind in their hands. So Antonio works as efficiently as he can and more to fight away disappointing the big boss...

His dad, a rather cold monster reccomends he think twice of giving his mind to someone like this. But Antonio's heart falls quickly, and it falls on deaf ears. All the caretaker can do is continue to call Antonio to make sure he hasn't overdid it.

Height: 5'7

Pronouns: He/Him

Toyhouse Here!


  • Bossman: Antonio's big bad boss, Antonio sees him off screen sometimes... And wishes the other would see him more.
  • Alvis: Antonio's dad, one of the few who gets a smile from the cold man. Alvis finds his bright personality refreshing and worries about his association with others.


  • Rollerskating
  • Singing
  • Axe Throwing
  • Stamp Collecting (he likes the art)
  • Record Collecting
  • Tennis
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing