BUN-432: Schlep

Owned by Idlecrow

He / Him


Schlep is a lovable and dedicated roadie with a deep passion for music. From a young age, he found himself drawn to the world of music and spent countless hours tinkering with amplifiers, guitar pedals, and synthesizers. Despite his genuine love for music Schlep is completely tonedeaf and lacks any inherent musical talent.


With a carefree and fun-loving nature, Schlep's infectious enthusiasm and positive energy make him a favorite among the bands and crews he works with. He possesses an unyielding determination to contribute to the success of every performance he supports, compensating for his musical shortcomings with an unparalleled technical know-how gained from years of experimentation. Despite facing obstacles due to his tonedeafness, Schlep has never allowed his limitations to dampen his spirits. He has learned to find joy in his unique role as the backbone of the music scene, ensuring that musicians and performers have the technical support they need to shine.


Schlep's technical expertise is his greatest asset. He has an innate understanding of the intricacies of musical equipment, allowing him to troubleshoot any technical glitches that arise on the fly. His ability to set up and fine-tune sound systems, operate lighting rigs, and ensure the smooth execution of performances makes him an indispensable member of any crew.

Physical traits

Schlep's physical strength is a testament to his years of hauling heavy music equipment. He is accustomed to the rigors of the road, effortlessly moving heavy amplifiers and speaker cabinets, and meticulously organizing and securing cables. However, his weakness lies in his insatiable love for backstage snack tables, which has led him to a slight chubbiness—a testament to his inability to resist the allure of tasty treats.

Side Job

When he's not working a gig Schelp can usually be found at the front desk of Rhatexa's BDSM venue. While clients might be initially intimidated by Schelpts imposing figure, it is his warm and friendly personality that shines through, quickly dispelling any apprehension and putting them at ease for their session.


Schlep is pansexual but has a strong preference for musicians.

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