BUN-424: Victory

Owned by Fire



Shy sweet e-girl who is also involved in high fashion. Very, very submissive and soft-spoken upon meeting her, but comes out of her shell the more comfortable she is to be confident and even sassy. Streams relaxing/chill games, as well as imp care/training with her Harpup. Most popular “imp crossing” content creator. Extremely good at competitive games (especially as you guessed it, a healer/support character), but the toxicity and fast pace often make her too anxious to play for more than a few games at a time. Usually ranks diamond or higher in these games. Stream/IGN is VictoryArcana, she answers to Victory. IRL name Victoria, friends call her Tori. Hates being called “Vic” or “Vicki” for short.

Very good friends with Vander/Vyrus. They had each heard of each other before meeting by complete chance in a random FPS game lobby. They often hang out IRL, with Vander going on huge rants/rambles about life and streaming advice, while Tori just… sits there. Tori is a mod on Vander’s stream and has gained some attention due to her relation to him, but Vander never visits her stream… on his main, as to not swamp her with attention. Her #1 fan/donator IS Vander but she doesn’t know that.

Despite knowing ALL ABOUT imps and their care, being borderline obsessed with them… Tori only has one, her harpup named Seafoam. She’d rather focus 100% of her attention on one imp than 80% split between imps.

When she’s not busy collaborating with Velveteen or Peter, Tori is in some comfy sweats getup (or your typical e-girl attire. On stream, she’s in extremely intricate e-girl/high fashion attire.

  • Extremely patient

  • Very kind and generous, almost always puts others ahead of herself.

  • Pride horns because she’s proud of her empathy, almost to the point of being too affected by how others are feeling.

  • Takes things very personally, emotional. Gets offended/off-put by comments easily. Her stream chat is a highly moderated positivity-fest, not the chaotic “anything goes” atmosphere of Vyrus’ stream. She is known for overreacting for slights against her.

  • Making her cry is as simple as “A butterfly. Windshield. Half a butterfly”.

  • Going to arcades/fairs with gambling games is one of her favorite pastimes, but doesn’t enjoy actual casino gambling. 

  • Competes in imp shows. Extremely competitive in these, more so than in video games.

  • Not a pink pastel cutesy aesthetic, more like a modern elegance (but still also cute). Enjoys steampunk aesthetic. Arcane (Piltover)/Hextech like 

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed