BUN-400: Druvis

Owned by mmj

DRUVIS (she/her)

Flowers of choice: Any color of rose, Yarrow, Golden Rayed Lily

Druvis is an envy bun that has newly found herself in the world of burrowgatory. She was found by Rosamin, while she was wandering the woods near her property, with a uniqor following her. At first, Rosamin thought Druvis to be some sort of forest spirit; she had never seen those type of horns before and with how beautiful she was, it seemed only logical that she came to that conclusion. Rosa took Druvis in and the two have been roommates since then with Rose teaching Druvis all she knows about the in's and out's of the world.

Druvis was thrown hapazardly into burrowgatory resulting in her finding herself in the forest instead of the city. This was definitely a product of Gremory not taking care of her in the proper way. Though, Druvis didn't seem to care much about appearing surrounded by trees. She always had an affinity for nature and found her first look into what would be her new home to be a breath of fresh air. It was calm, unlike the difficult life she had lead up until that point.

She has since come into herself. Rosamin has taken better care of her then Gremory ever did. Druvis has learned kindness from her slow life with Rosa and has let go of any grudges she may have held when her branching horns grew in. She is now a gentle bun that is eager to learn new things. She is a little shy and has found herself disliking the hustle and bustle of the city, much preferring the relaxed nature of the cottage she and Rosa shares. Her love of nature has only grown and Druvis tends to her own rose garden among other things. If not with the plants physically, she can be found reading about them. On the rare occasion that she is in city, she gravitates to the library.

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