BUN-381: Romero

Owned by Fire



To be written! He is an occultist of the Bone Mind™️. What does this mean? He is the Fiend of Femurs, Villain of Vertebrae, Stealer of Skulls, Menace of the Metatarsals, Ripper of Ribs, etc.

(The Bone Mind™️ will rise once more and return all living bones to its’ will, be prepared!)

  • He is sort of a sleazeball. Tries to get others to think of him in a grand and important way, but he's secretly a disaster dumpster baby. Tries VERY HARD to be loud and important
  • Actually quite charming, think used car salesman/Saul Goodman.
  • Odd but harmless. Unless you have bones. Then, he's not harmless.
  • Adores the circus, dreams of being a ringleader someday
  • Not necessarily because of this, Romero's stupid party trick is that he is EXTREMELY good at juggling, his favorite things are full wine bottles (hasn't dropped one in public... yet)
  • Wants to become a paleontologist, because... free bones
  • Tries to flirt with anything that moves, but he's terrible at it and often gets too nervous to make a real move. Would be ABSOLUTELY flustered if someone came onto him first.
  • Would cry (and pop a boner) if someone called him a dumb baby. Absolutely has a humiliation kink.
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed