BUN-344: Primrose

Owned by Fire



  • Kind, sweet, subtype of sloth because they often get lost in thought, stop to smell the flowers, etc. just doesn’t accomplish a lot
  • Ditzy, naive
  • Early riser, goes to bed at like 8 PM. Loves to watch the "sunrise" so to speak.
  • Bumblebloom is her common sense but they often don’t listen to him
  • Prim is a bad imp owner :'<
  • Bumble often tries to pollinate Prim, or sleeps in her flowers when he’s tired
  • Honestly doesn't speak much. They tend to keep their replies only a few words if they must verbally respond.
  • No real aim or goal in life. Goes with the flow. Will usually say yes to a request made of them, though their successfulness at it varies wildly.
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed