BUN-300: Fuku

Owned by Roroko
🍡 Fuku 🍡
Age ~Early 20s
Height 5’4”
Gender Male
Orientation Bi
NSFW? Yes (Vers/Switch)
Relationships? Yes
Breeding? No
Detailed Profile WIP

Succubuns don’t always stay true to the horns that they were born with, and none know this better than the succubuns themselves. Speak to one about them, and they might tell you how they feel about it; there are buns who may enlighten you with a philosophical take, while others are in denial about the sin that they initially grew to represent. And what of Fuku—what does he think? With an eye-catching pair of greed horns, it’s not unusual for one’s initial impression of him to be some penny-pinching miser, but he’s surprisingly quite liberal with his funds. Instead, nowadays Fuku embodies another sin entirely: lust.

Fuku loves love and everything that it entails, and gets a high from experiencing all forms of love that’s far more pleasurable than any drug on the market. Over time, his enjoyment of experiencing love has perverted his definition of it, though his gentle mien and delicate features have hidden his degeneracy exceptionally well. Had he not been born a succubun, Fuku might very well look the picture of innocence; even when he opens his mouth to speak, his mellow voice and friendly way of speaking leads many that meet him into thinking that he isn’t a sex-obsessed bun. But make no mistake—Fuku is definitely sex-obsessed, and can often be a handful when you really get to know him…

alcohol tolerance Poor

libido High

credit score Average
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