BUN-232: Brent

Owned by osteoh



"HEY!! You want a copy of my zine??"

An extremely memorable bun- if only for how annoying he is. Brent has a bizarre obsession with conspiracy theories, the supernatural, and just weirdness in general. He believes in all kinds of things- from strange beings that live in a mysterious "Surface World," to giant imps living in the woods near Faunt Trail- and he will do everything in his power to try and make everyone else believe, too. This means he spends a lot of time on street corners, attempting to hand out pamphlets about "the truth."

Most buns don't put up with his nonsense, and will only take a pamphlet to be polite, if they even acknowledge him at all. He has a cute face- but if anyone makes the mistake of asking for his phone number, they'd better get ready for him to obliviously ignore all advances while he talks about Bighoof.

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