BUN-210: Ajax

Owned by yukicole02


Jewler ∙ He/Him

AGE: 34
HEIGHT: 5 ft 8in

" Baby, you are like Alexandrite, Because you are beautiful under all different lighting."

Only interested in the finest of things and asks for nothing less. When interacting with Ajax you find you are talking with someone who is completely full of himself. Everything is about him, his work, and his wife. Who is his wife? None of your business. No you can not have more time with her he's booked her schedule.

You can talk to him though and he will talk about himself. Just don't waste his time.


  • Gold cane is a non optional addition to his design. He's always got it and is using it in both Doll and bun form
  • Enjoys colorful and pedigree imps mostly in the blue color
  • Prone  to getting jealous and over protective over matters having to do with his wife 
  • Very good at ballroom dancing
  • Gift art is allowed