BUN-182: Mercury

Owned by LuridGhost


2024 Breeding Partner: BUN-256
Hopeless has permission to breed this succubun.

  • pronouns: he / him
  • height: 5'4"
  • occupation: fashion designer
  • relationship status: taken
lazy workaholic
patient short-tempered
introvert extrovert
☆ Mercury ☆
  Toyhouse Profile

Usually found holed up and working himself to the bone in his two-story home (that conveniently doubles as his fashion boutique's storefront on the first floor), Mercury is a bit of a hard bun to get ahold of. Unless you're a business partner or client of his extremely successful luxury brand GAL-X, of course.

Though he's quite the charmer when dealing with those who could boost his business, in reality, Mer's a loner. He tends to avoid making any real friends, but isn’t afraid of chatting briefly with others if he's in public— Just don’t expect him to pursue anything further than making a fleeting acquaintance. He's very easily annoyed by anything he deems to be wasting his time, so it's not uncommon for him to cut a conversation short or act incredibly dismissive when he's lost interest in another bun.

When it comes to his his brand's models, Mer is quite strict, incredibly straightforward, and expects them to act professionally if they're going to be representing GAL-X (no room for emotions in fashion). The more tenured models that have worked with Mercury never have any complaints with the way he manages things, but he has a bit of a reputation in the industry to be a "dream crusher" for anyone just getting started. While he would never acknowledge it, his uncompromising behavior stems from his own aspirations that were prematurely snuffed out when he was still a fresh face in Burrowgatory.

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Growing up under the care of Murmur, Mercury became quite the confident bun, proud of his looks and his popularity among his peers. There was zero hesitation when he decided that he was, without a doubt, going to be the most desirable model in all of Burrowgatory, and upon being turned loose into the city, he began to absolutely thrive. With his burning desire and his unrivaled determination to succeed, Mer was outshining his competition in every regard. Dedicating every waking hour of his life to perfecting his appearance and poise, it wasn't uncommon to find him running from photoshoot to photoshoot, popping up in ads and magazines across the city. 

Everything was perfect. At least, for a time. 

It began with dizzy spells. Blurry frames around his vision during the long photoshoots. Needing a few more breaks to dab away the sweat and reapply the accentuating makeup. A lapse... or two, in consciousness. 

It ended with a complete and utter blackout on the most important runway walk of his career. First, Mercury was there, standing tall and strutting with purpose in front of the attending crowd, and then he was not. It was a mess of lights and sounds and the coppery taste of blood in his teeth... And after a period of darkness, he was laid up in a hospital bed, alone, with the weight of his crumbling dream crushing his will to breathe with every passing day. 

Eventually, after what seemed like hundreds upon hundreds of medical tests, Mer was given an official diagnosis--chronic, but not terminal--and released back into the city. Unable to bear the thought of returning to his high rise penthouse in the heart of Burrowgatory, he sold his luxurious apartment and purchased a home on the edge of town, where he tucked himself away to heal his broken heart. 

After a time, Mercury slowly began to allow himself to delve back into the fashion world with little projects here and there, but he kept to himself, allowing what designs he did decide to show speak for themselves. And speak, they did. His small projects had skyrocketed in popularity, putting his designer outfits in high demand across Burrowgatory. And though he often works himself into spells of utter exhaustion (and a few irritating collapses) that require several days of recovery time, Mercury puts his all back into his newfound love of crafting, and he truly does enjoy every second of it. He can live with his physical limitations if it means that he can take pride in his work again. 

Although Mer did start GAL-X on his own and intended to keep it that way, it's not like  having someone around who's taller and much stronger than him around the shop wasn't helpful, or anything... It certainly did come in handy for those times that he refused to look after himself and fell ill.  Being wrapped in a blanket and cradled by a pair of strong arms truly wasn't so bad.

Despite his closed-off personality, Mercury does have a few individuals that he calls his friends. Of these few, one tall, well-built, tooth-rottingly sweet streamer wormed his way into his heart, and subsequently, his home. 

Crème Bleuet, better known as Blue, started off as just a one-time client, promoting GAL-X's sleepwear designs on his stream, and, well. It took a long time to recognize his own feelings, but Mer now has the privilege of curling up in a nest of blankets next to his beefcake of a partner after a late night of cutting patterns.

If you're looking for a one-of-a-kind, hand-stitched, custom design, you can always stop by GAL-X's storefront. There's a 99% chance you'll be greeted by a sweet hello from the popular sleepwear streamer Blue, and a somewhat prompted, but still genuine welcome from Mercury himself.

... If he's not hunched over his sewing machine with a hundred pins pinched between his lips, that is.

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☆ List of Traits ☆

Body Type:
Skinny, bony in both forms, but his bun form looks bigger than he actually is because of his plush fur.

Sharp-witted, dexterous, creative, naturally lucky

Physically weak, quick tempered, workaholic, has a bit of a gambling problem (but he's working on it)

Very quick with a sewing machine, classically trained in dance, able to hold an absurd amount of pins between his lips without injuring himself

Drums his fingers when irritated or bored, and has a bad habit of playing with his food before actually eating it

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