BUN-161: Nadia♡
Nadia Bellemore
charming · assertive · analytical · introvert
Nadia is a woman of the upper class, being raised into wealth from the moment she could talk. She had always been insightful and intelligent, holding an unsatiable taste for knowledge. Her charisma landed her within the gaze of a wealthy succubun who controls a large enterprise, taking Nadia under his wing. The risk he took was calculated, yet it paid off when Nadia proved herself time and time again to be skilled at learning a myriad of difficult subjects and never once doubted her worth.
Ironically, despite her ability to charm business partners, Nadia much prefers spending time alone within her personal suite or caring for her garden and imps over any type of gathering or elegant party. If it wasn't for her job, she would never venture outside.
Despite appearing as a highly successful businesswoman, often brushing off attempts of contact by strangers in person, she is an avid online user - busying herself in her spare time anonymously to engage and conversate with those of different upbringings and experiences in order to learn things she cannot obtain within her current position. If she was to be completely honest, she longs for a life of normality - regretting her choice to take the safe route. Though she lives without worry, it comes at the price of freedom. Nadia dislikes the limits placed upon her personality and appearance and tires of the consistent high maintence required with her lifestyle in order to keep up with appearances, thus finding a form of living another life through others, in talking to them and learning from them.
- Social Media
- Reading
- Haute couture
- Flowers
- Imps
- Socializing
- Clutter
- Irresponsible spending
- Working
- Restrictions
- Gentle domme, versatile. Open to switch positions/roles if wanted
- Fan of giving and recieving oral
- Enjoys biting and marking her partner with bites and hickeys.
- Loves edging, sensory play and overstimulating her partner
- Turn ons include intelligence, submission and general teasing.
- She has a crazy high labido and quick recovery time
- Consent and communication is sexy!She's always ensuring her partner is comfortable.
How Wreckx managed to pull someone like Nadia is highly questionable - truthfully, it was entirely up to luck and the fact that Nadia is a bit of a weirdo herself. They first started talking on Reddit, that's all you need to know.
They are similar in some ways, opposites in others. This allows them to mesh relatively well, for where one lacks the other helps. Wreckx will often go to work with Nadia to help their security and data integrity.
Sage and Nadia have known each other far before they came to Burrowgatory. Raised together by a demon, they were there to witness each other's growths and falls. Nadia took the more intellectual pathway to success, Sage took the more creative.
They don't get together often, Sage often working in secret - but for special occassions and appearances, Sage will design a dress for Nadia to wear and promote.
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