BUN-128: Yingjie

Owned by Miunadeli

Made orphan at a very young age, Yingjie was taken in by an old bun holding a dojo. This bun, though old, carried himself very well, was in more than good health and actually was a fire Master. He raised Yingjie as his own child and taught him martial arts and the way of Fire, how to master it and be in harmony with it.

At times, other succubuns would come practice martial arts in the secluded dojo and Yingjie always enjoyed watching the classes, even joining them when the Master would let him. He picked up a lot from observation and his skills improved much faster than his Master had expected. In a few years he already knew so much he started getting bored, so his adoptive father had to find new ways to satisfy his desire/hunger for knowledge. And one day, as all Master would expect, the student surpassed the Master, or almost. The Master had kept some secrets to himself that he would not share until he was on his deathbed, he had been very clear about that. As a teenager Yingjie had often complained about it but growing up he kind of got to understand it and just decided to go as the old succubun wanted. 

He is now a very skilled martial artist and at times perform with others for shows in the Burrowgatory for the pleasure of all succubuns.

Now, despite all these skills, Yingjie has a big flaw: food. He loves eating, so much that his beautiful sculpted abs turn into some weird muscly chubbiness. 

His favourite food of all is barbecue. Anything cooked straight from the fire he loves more than anything. And with his skills mastering fire, he cooks the best meals, always cooked to perfection. The only time he would ever burn something would be if he were to be extremely drunk and wasted. Though even with lots of alcohol in his blood he has a strong control, it happened once that things went south and the delicious meat and vegetabels ended calcinated.

He lived reclusely most of his life, even with the shows down in the city, he barely stays there once it's over, so he can be a bit awkward with others.


Extra info: dating her~

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