BUN-123: Silk

Owned by mmj

"Turn off your lights
Stay up all night
Tell me you see all these tears in my eyes"


Flowers of choice: White Egret Orchid, White Lily, Calla Lily

A true sloth bun! She constantly looks sleepy and her eyes have a half-lidded look. When she does speak, she has a soft tone. Her singing voice is incredibly beautiful and she lends her talent to the professional sphere as a voice actress. She would say her favorite pass time is taking naps and cuddling stuffed toys. She loves a nice warm blanket to welcome her at the end of the day - or well, any time of day would work for her.

Silk has an idol-like presence in the industry. Even though she acts down-to-earth, her image of a tired, doll-like princess makes her seem unapprochable to fans. She does like to do fan events such as making guest appearances at cons or doing QNAs on social media, but her perceived reputation always makes these events seem larger than life. A bubbly disposition is usually popular for these types of things but, her unique demenor has brought a lot of success for her and her agency and many, many fans.

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