BUN-122: Cassidy

Owned by MiamiMami


Cassidy is the owner and operator of his own bar and brothel. His buisness is rather small with mainly regulars coming in. All of Cassidy's workers refer to him as 'Daddy' while customers avoid drawing his attention for anything more than just refills. 

If a customer gets unruly with one of his kids or if they aren't able to pay off their tab Cassidy will be called out to handle it. The bun isn't above throwing his considerable weight around with these types of buns. He'll more than happily use it to his advantage and put a foot up their ass. Cassidy's paitence is nearly nonexistent for shithead patrons.

It's advised that buns don't make comments about his weight. Cassidy in both bun and doll form is rather fat and it's something he seems oddly sensitive about. While he takes pride in being huge and bigger than most, he doesn't take disparaging comments about it well. Cassidy also won't pay for any bodily injuries a bun will suffer for insulting him either.

There's the rare chance a customer might catch Cassidy's eye. Right now Tei seems to be doing everything they can to keep Cassidy's attention all on them.

ZarozAestoth has permisson to breed this bun with BUN-073

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