BUN-1200: Adonis

Owned by belovedeg




  dON   He/Him/They   29   Cherubun   Male   Pansexual   Single   Balu Brigada   6'3   Sculptor   Autotheist


vain · charismatic · proud · narcissistic

Adonis is a rather self-centered person. While he does care for some people, he always puts himself first and thinks mostly about himself rather than others. He's extremely narcissistic and often laments that God made him too perfect. He truly believes that he is God's gift to the burrowgatory and that anyone who meets him should be honored to be in his presence. He's very charismatic, the way he speaks always sounds gentle and slightly seductive. He could talk someone out of the clothes on their back if he wanted to.

Adonis, despite being a cherubun and being raised in the heavenly meadow, fits in perfectly well in the burrowgatory. He's amassed quite a following from both his artworks and his stunning (some would say heavenly,) appearance. Adonis prefers the free and wild lifestyle of the burrowgatory rather than the straight-laced, stifling ways of the meadows.


  • Himself
  • Clay sculpting
  • Anything Gold
  • Sunbathing


  • The Cold
  • Strong Scents
  • Strict Rules
  • Melangel


No Libido  
 High Libido
Ambrosia Intolerant  
 Ambrosia Tolerant

 Design Notes

Please always draw Adonis with his dreads!!

Not shown on doll but Adonis has a gilded marking on the join between his hip and leg!

Adonis has a semi-muscular body type, with a bigger chest and smaller waist.


  • Adonis's house has a mirror in every room, sometimes multiple in a room.
  • Adonis loves the sun and warmth, one of the few things they miss from the meadow is the real sun.
  • Adonis enjoys cooking for himself and experiencing the different cuisine of the burrowgatory


 He/Him  ?

Lucius is the first succubun that Adonis befriended. Lucius was one of the people who helped guide him through transitioning to life in the burrowgatory and introducing him into all sorts of sin. Adonis and Lucius don't often talk to one another or meet anymore but Adonis is distantly fond of the memories they have shared.

 She/Her  ?

Pearl is another one of the succubuns who helped ease Adonis into life in the Burrowgatory. Pearl is a sweet girl and Adonis cannot help but want to tease her. He enjoys her attention and the way she fawns over him. They've shared rather intimate moments together. Adonis finds their relationship to be amusing and always finds time in his schedule for Pearl.

 He/Him  ?

Ryouta and Adonis are technically enemies, though Adonis does not consider Ryouta his rival or enemy at all. Both of their self-centered personalities clash awfully and have led them to dislike/hate each other. Adonis regards most people as worth his time and they're so minor to him that he doesn't even care enough to dislike them. So Adonis doesn't even hate Ryouta, he just regards him as a minor pest (which makes Ryouta seethe even more at Adonis' arrogance.)

HTML by LeafJelly
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