BUN-117: Adagio

Owned by Roroko
🎼 Adagio 🎼
Age ~Late 40s
Height 6'
Gender Nonbinary (He/They)
Orientation Bi
NSFW? Yes (Vers/Dom)
Relationships? Ask
Breeding? No
Detailed Profile TBA

Not every succubun finds their pleasures in the sins they bury themselves in. Some find their purpose in much more mundane activities; Adagio is one such bun, finding their joy in music. Raised outside of the demon Murmur’s affectionate care, as a baby succubun Adagio was brought up by a demon whose prowess lay in all things melodic. Although they were nothing more than a pet project for the demon—named Marchosias—Adagio looked up to him greatly, soon adopting Marchosias’ sophisticated mannerisms and taste for things both high-class and mellifluous.

To say Adagio is pompous is an understatement—though his large, curling ram-like horns might already give that away about him. In an effort to impress his caretaker, he’s grown accustomed to thinking highly of himself as he strives to walk the walk and talk the talk. He wears fine clothes befitting the status of a demon of high ranking (or the pet of one, anyway), and hardly pays any mind to most of his peers, instead focusing on how better to improve his musical talents. Adagio’s conceitedness is, at least, not unfounded: thanks to his upbringing he is musically inclined, and has a knack for composing and playing, as well as singing. Despite how he pretends to be better than his peers, you’ll often find him at the same joints many other succubun love to hang out at, though he normally travels around Burrowgatory to further expose Hell to his growing talent.

Who’s to say what kind of person Adagio is underneath that aloof exterior? He certainly wouldn’t be able to tell you. Too focused on trying to impress his master and get into his good graces, Adagio seems not to care much for making close connections…for now, at least.

alcohol tolerance Fair

libido Average

credit score High
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