BUN-107: Dagasho

Owned by Monadx0x0
> Dagasho Ru'Seyu
  • Male (he/him, they/them)
  • Older adult (30-40+)
  • Fireworks craftsman; owns his own store in Burrowgatory — Sparkling Skies Inc.
  • Coined as the "King of the Fake Stars"
  • High alcohol tolerance, average credit score, average libido.
  • A shifty yet energetic (for his age) bun who loves to have fun, get to know people, and blow sh*t up.
  • Gives off dad energy, but more akin to one of those groovy dads who's in the know about what's cool.
  • Loves what he does, even if he blows up a house or two. His passion shows in his work.
  • He's a stickler for paying back his debts, but struggles to because of how many things he destroys.
  • Often wonders if he can weaponize fireworks against people who belittle him.
  • Has an odd affinity for spicy-sour food.
  • Can have a bit of a temper if you tick him off… ESPECIALLY if you comment on his height.
  • His voice can get very, very, VERY loud.

"What should you do after watching fireworks all day? Hehe, the answer is… to watch them again in your dreams, of course!" — Yoimiya, Genshin Impact

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing