BUN-1027: Pixy

Owned by maiasomata


 Pixy  She/Her  Pride  Lesbian  5'2"  News Reporter  Doll Form(TBA)   Punk Rock
Icon thanks to saunabun
Pagedoll thanks to Frenkle


Egotistical · Reserved · Diligent · Cunning

A familiar face to many, Pixy is the tv reporter in charge of feeding burrowgatory city it's morning news. A down-to-earth bun, Pixy does her best to give the most honest reports of any news station. Fake news is a real problem in burrowgatory city, and she knows it's up to her to fight it. She prides herself on getting fast, reliable information, and is in a perpetual argument with her bosses about censorship. Though she truly gives her all to her job, Pixy knows better than to work more than the 40 hours a week she's paid for. Most of her free time is taken up by her long-term partner, Diamond. Whether they're spending a cozy weekend at home or pulling off a heist, Pixy and Diamond are rarely seen apart. Both have rather lucrative jobs and plenty of carats to spare, but they still spend much of their free time planning and executing robberies of large businesses. Pixy is the strategist, scoping out their target and drawing up plans. Diamond is better suited for infiltration, getting in and out with as much capital as she can carry. Their success rate is surprisingly high.


  • The Truth
  • Sweets
  • Non-Fiction
  • The Thrill of a Heist


  • Tardiness
  • Spicy Foods
  • Insults
  • Getting Caught


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant

 Design Notes

It is rare to find Pixy without a lollipop in hand. No one ever brings it up, and it's widely accepted as normal behavior for her to lick it while sharing the morning news. It's likely this lollipop is the main reason some buns watch the news program, but Pixy doesn't mind. She knows she's hot.

She has four neck accessories that she swaps out regularly, one for each color of her hooves.


  • Pixy has gotten very good at lying and decieving other buns due to her constant need to cover up Diamond's casual thievery.
  • Unlike her partner, she doesn't place much value on material possessions. She finds value in knowledge and information, and spends just as much time scouring informational websites as she does reading non-fiction.
  • She has a mean temper, and insulting Diamond in her presence is a surefire way to draw it out.
  • The thieving duo has only gotten caught once, and thanks to Pixy's stellar improvisation they were able to talk their way out of anything but a negligible fine and a flag on their records.


           Partner in Crime

No one is quite sure how Pixy and Diamond got together. The slightly famous power couple both appeared in their respective fields at around the same time. Pixy has interviewed Diamond on-set several times about her career as a model, and though it is widely known that the two of them live together, they do not act overly affectionate while at work. They are not monogamous by any means, and often invite other buns over for a night in their spacious high rise apartment. The two live together out of choice, not necessity. When not cuddling or heisting, they also enjoy getting wasted and sloppily making out in the corner of the Wonderland Casino. Their heists are infrequent, and they spend months scheming before attempting anything.

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