BUN-1019: Kylie

Owned by Fire

Code Info

  • For all users!
  • Comes with the legacy version as well.
  • Changes views often so nothin' gets squished - what you see on a 15 inch monitor, you won't see on a 10 inch.
  • If you don't have a ton of info to add, it'll save as much space as it can by squishing up...if you have a ton of info - boxes will only expand so much before they begin to scroll!


"The magic is out there, life is all about finding it."
Name Kylie
Age 24
Height 5ft. 6in.
Gender Presentation Female
Pronouns she / her
Species Succubun
Subtype Pride
Orient. Bisexual
Taken? No
Home Inner Burrowgatory
Job Wedding & event planner
Creator Kunamei
Aesthetics ♦ ♦ ♦
Theme [song]
Design by MoonlightCinderella Code by Vom
Design Notes 


  • Grand Horns
  • Angora Fur
  • Shimmer

Kylie is a dynamic and deeply devoted bun, both to her creative and social pursuits, as well to others. Her upbringing under the guidance of Murmur provided her with a picturesque childhood, shaping her into a warm and friendly bun with a large social battery. She finds immense joy in helping out at the Bunnery and participating in outreach services with Mercy, along with her part-time role as an “assistant” for Oleander.

Being a professional party planner, Kylie has carved out a niche for herself specializing in hyper-themed parties and weddings. Given the rarity of weddings in Burrowgatory, she charges exorbitant fees for her meticulous and elegant planning services. She’s worked closely with Angora on events like the Fairy Masquerade and prides herself on attending each event she organizes to make sure everything goes perfectly. Through this, she has picked up numerous hobbies, skills, and information from her parties such as skating, playing musical instruments, painting, and more. Her perfectionism and flexibility allow her to adapt to any changes requested of her, always aiming to satisfy her clients and guests, no matter how difficult or intricate their requests. Seeing the joy brought to other buns enjoying her work truly fills her with pride, hence her horns. Kylie is absolutely fascinated with cherubuns, their customs, and history, she talks to them to learn more at every chance she can. Kylie’s ultimate career goal is to become the premier wedding planner for the city, with the dream of arranging a cherubun wedding fueling her ambition.

With a light to moderate alcohol tolerance, Kylie rarely drinks on the job as she opts to remain professional. Her life is a whirlwind of activity, leaving her with little free time. However, she enjoys casual gatherings and social drinking, preferring quieter parties, movies, mixers, and theater outings to relax at. While she is open and earnest, believing in the value of authenticity, she feels self-conscious when out alone, often seeking the company of others to forgo spending time alone but with others. When comfortably at home alone, Kylie finds solace in creative pursuits like cooking and making jewelry and figurines, which she sells on the side. Considering how prim and proper her work and social lives are, she really enjoys the opportunity to get her hands dirty with creative pursuits. Her penthouse apartment is a testament to her dabbling in interior design, lavishly and carefully decorated to reflect her refined tastes. Though wealthy by all accounts, Kylie doesn’t boast or hold her wealth above others and donates large sums of carats to the Church of Sulfur.

Fashion is another passion of Kylie’s, and she always dresses impeccably for every occasion. Even at home, she avoids the casual T-shirt and sweatpants look, preferring a more polished appearance befitting of her status. Her high society connections have made her quite particular about her tastes, subscribing to a "finer things in life" mentality. Though considerate, she can come across as haughty and high-maintenance due to her peculiarities.

Kylie’s dedication to her work often borders on being a workaholic. She loves her job but struggles to take time off to relax, constantly thinking of ways to make her next event more grand and intimate. Her passion can sometimes lead her to daydream excessively or come across as inconsiderate in her relentless pursuit of perfection. Yet, despite these flaws, Kylie remains a genuine and hard-working individual, always striving to bring her best to everything she does. She is a loyal and dependable friend to those close to her, which unfortunately, are very few buns. Always wanting to engage with others, eventually, someone will be able to get close to Kylie and turn her eyes to them.


Kylie's upbringing under the benevolent guidance of Murmur was nothing short of idyllic. Her childhood was filled with joy, friendship, and a keen sense of empathy from playing with other buns. From a young age, she delighted in organizing play dates and creating elaborate pretend scenarios, showcasing her innate talent for planning and her deep understanding of others. These early experiences laid the foundation for her future, instilling in her a pride in her ability to arrange and manage events with a personal touch. This led her to be quite popular amongst her littermates, and she left childhood with a true feeling of belonging and purpose already.

When Kylie first arrived in Burrowgatory, she was struck by how perfectly the Church of Sulfur's portrayal of Murmur matched her own cherished memories. She quickly bonded with Mercy, finding a kindred spirit in their shared dedication to helping others. Although Kylie’s relationship with Oleander took a bit more time to develop, they eventually grew close, bound by their devotion to their demon caretaker along with upholding the Church’s values. Determined to forge her own path after settling in, Kylie ventured into the world of high-class buns, leveraging her charisma, elegance, and logical mind to assist them with ease. She started off as a mere personal assistant, planning and scheduling pretentious bun’s days and events. Her natural aptitude for event planning soon blossomed into a thriving business of it’s own as her employer’s contacts would ask for her skills specifically, earning her a reputation for excellence and the ability to work for herself rather than someone else.

Kylie's event planning business rapidly gained momentum, allowing her to indulge in her passion for creating unforgettable experiences. From the lavish Fairy Masquerade to exclusive events for Wonderland Casino and VIP parties for Velveteen and Peter to so many more, her meticulous attention to detail and creative flair ensured her success. Her ability to orchestrate grand occasions not only funded her luxurious lifestyle but also fueled her ambition to become the foremost wedding planner in Burrowgatory, a prestigious role given the infrequency of weddings.

Despite her professional achievements, Kylie never forgets her roots. She remains deeply involved with the Church of Sulfur, where she continues to find solace and encouragement. Working alongside Mercy, Kylie helps organize supplies and schedules, and her innate knack for logistics proves invaluable when assigning new buns services and housing. Additionally, she lends her skills to Oleander, assisting with sermons and outreach (along with whatever else he needs help with, and all that that implies), and finds immense satisfaction in welcoming new buns to the city. Her warm and friendly demeanor, coupled with her organizational prowess, makes her a natural fit for these roles.

Kylie's ultimate goals are twofold: to make a meaningful impact by welcoming new members to Burrowgatory and to cement her status as the city's premier wedding and event planner. Her journey has been marked by dedication, hard work, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. However, her relentless drive has left her personal life somewhat neglected. Busy with her burgeoning career, Kylie has yet to find a partner who can help her truly unwind and enjoy life's simple pleasures. She yearns for a solid companion, whether that be a friend, a friend-with-benefits, or a romantic partner, who can provide the support and relaxation she craves. Though not her primary focus, this personal aspiration remains an important facet of her overall journey, as she has yet to form meaningful life connections with those around her.

In all her endeavors, Kylie's open, earnest, and honest nature shines through. She believes that authenticity is key to a fulfilling life and approaches each challenge with sincerity and dedication. Her journey from a happy, empathetic child to a successful, driven event planner in Burrowgatory is a testament to her resilience, talent, and unwavering commitment to both her professional and personal aspirations.

  • Lavish parties
  • Social interaction
  • Cooking
  • Honesty
  • Fine arts
  • Making jewelry
  • Being busy
  • Golden hour
  • Soft things
  • Fashion
  • Cake
  • Clear weather
  • City life
  • Liars, she doesn’t mind if they are dishonest for a living… but they better be honest with her
  • Due to the above, she hates surprise parties and would never plan or attend one
  • Being alone for too long
  • Binge drinking
  • Cleaning up
  • Wind
  • Boredom
  • Fast food
  • Casual clothing
  • Competitiveness
  • Spontaneity
  • Camping
Extra Facts 
  • Kylie is a bit of a foodie, not to the point of being a restaurant critic or anything, but she definitely enjoys spending money on lavish meals. Dress up any ordinary food to make it “high cuisine” and she’ll likely fall for it.
  • The world would end before Kylie woke up late, ever. She sets an alarm even though her circadian rhythm is absolutely spot-on.
  • Does not have much experience with envy buns as she doesn't seem to run in their circles, perhaps one will be assertive or curious enough to elect her services?
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed